We’re all in the same boat right now: Concerns about the Coronavirus and it’s unpredictable upcoming challenges for us and the economy we live and work in, chaotic situations within organisations and this new home office „situation“.
If you’re also stuck in home office lately and remote working is surprising and quite new for you, we’re happy to share some quick tips helping you to be as productive as on your usual office seat.
How to rock your Home Office
1. Fixed working hours
Create a clearly structured daily schedule for your work from home. Also, a good morning routine can help you jump start the day and get to work in a disciplined and effective way.
2. Listen to your bio rhythm
Home office is the unique chance to listen to your body: When are your creative phases during the day? Do you have an afternoon low? Do you have special hours you like to use for planning or phone calls? Seize the home office opportunity to do the right thing at the right time for maximum performance.
3. Appropriate workspace
Even in your home, try to find or create space that is especially dedicated to work. A place that allows you to work unhurriedly and without distraction. It doesn’t need to be a classic desk – any place that lets you fulfill your tasks with focus is good.
4. Planning is half the battle
Write down all things you want to achieve per day and how long each task will take you. With clearly defined task-bundles it’s easier to define priorities and the perfect order for your daily tasks. Digital planning tools like Kanbanflow, Planner (in Microsoft Teams) or monday.com are especially helpful here. Used together with your team, everyone knows exactly who is doing what.

How does your Home Office set-up look like?
5. Stick to your pauses
Not being in the office building does not mean that you don’t need breaks! Especially in challenging times it’s so important to keep your head. A defined lunch or afternoon break can bring the essential productivity boost. Seize the break to get some fresh air, move your body, take a power-nap or have en energizing meal.
6. Find places for digital get-together
In order to keep the communication working in your team, you need to find places for online collaboration and encounter. Now is the perfect time to decide for a handy tool for digital planning, communication and collaboration.
7. Know when to stop!
In times of crisis it’s especially important to be in close and constant contact with your team members and line managers – however, try to stick to your pre-defined working times. In home office we’re more likely to work beyond our mental capacities. But the world and your team need you safe and sound. Take care of yourself!
How are you currently shaping your home office ? What challenges have you encountered – where can we perhaps help you? Just let us know!