Virtual Reality for Leadership Development
Learning better with virtual reality
Virtual reality for leadership development on the rise
It’s high time we use VR learning in leadership development.
That’s why MDI Management Development International and Jenson8 are partnering to transform leadership development through virtual reality.
The new “VR for Leaders” portfolio includes solutions for recruiting, assessment and leadership development.
You learn better with VR
- 4x faster training than in the seminar room.
- 275% more confident to apply learned skills after training.
- 375% more engaged with the content than learners in the seminar room.
- 400% more focused than learning via e-learning.
Using new technologies
The most important issue for L&D leaders right now is not just introducing new technologies to improve engagement and enable virtual delivery of programs, but rather using new technologies that will make a real difference for your teams.
Send leaders into space
Sending leaders into space may sound a bit like a stretch, but sending your teams into a completely foreign environment could be the best thing you’ve ever done for your talents.
Because it’s
- the future,
- it’s sustainable,
- scalable
- and can even be implemented solely virtually.
Immersive learning can help organizations address some of today’s key leadership challenges, such as identifying soft skills, retaining talent, and improving employee engagement.
VR learning can be
- anywhere,
- at any time
- and can be conducted in any country in the world.
The pandemic promotes new ways of learning
The pandemic has pushed HR to find ways to solve the problem of distance learning, as well as ways to still
- Create closeness at a distance,
- build trust,
- improve communication
- and improve collaboration.
These issues are not new, and long before COVID came along, HR and L&D leaders were wondering if it was really still necessary to get on a plane, take two to four days out of the office, stay in a hotel, and get everyone together to do a team-building exercise?”
New VR leadership training
The new leadership trainings offer an immersive environment that feels real to participants, as well as
- Assessment,
- Coaching,
- Leadership,
- Team building
- and other L&D elements
Through machine learning, artificial intelligence and validated psychometrics, the multiple immersive applications enable leaders to learn by doing, not just seeing or hearing. So virtual reality makes content come alive, not just digital!
More Digital training formats for leadership development
We help make leadership development more agile with our digital training formats:
- E-learnings
- e-consulting
- Blended Learning Journeys
- Virtual Leadership
- virtual reality
- digital learning transfer
– we have just the right thing for your needs!