Self-reflection for leaders – the L&D Daily
Self-reflection for leaders – the L&D Daily
An important form of learning for leaders is self-reflection in order to be in tune with yourself and function well as a pillar of support for the team. However, what if as a leader you just can’t find time in your calendar to take a break just for you?
That’s exactly what the L&D Daily is for.
At the end of each day, you take a structured look back at what happened with the help of a few questions (Inspect). From this you then derive a course of action for your further leadership (Adapt), which contributes to self-improvement.
Your L&D Daily can look like this:

Rapid change actions and the review afterwards create the iteration, triggering an ongoing L&D process.
This is useful for learning from leadership practice to leadership practice.
Want to learn more?
In our book
“Agile Leadership Development” (German Edition)
you will find some more useful articles, Tips and tools.
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