How do you surf the waves of digital transformation?
Agile mindset, skillset and toolset
OKR introduction at Volksbank Academy: Managing like Google
Management by Objectives and Key Results is the magic word that is currently causing a sensation in the boardroom. What is the point of the new method, which, after following the example of Google...
The Agile Transformation Journey #2
This article continues the Agile Transformation Journey, the way from a traditional company to an agile organization, from MDI. In the first article to this topic we took a look at the definition of...
The Agile Transformation Journey #1
Agile affects almost each company. Some thrive on agile, some panic, some hate the word already. If you come to the conclusion that for your organisation some or intense agile transformation makes...
Innovation boost – Social skills for your success in the digital transformation
Our faster changing and highly digitalized world requires us more and more to stand out from the crowd by developing innovations. But how can you as a leader, be it alone or with your team, generate...
Autonomy Day – agile tools in practice
Last Friday we had again our Autonomy Day presentations at MDI. I am impressed how simple and effective this agile tool is. We agreed in our company on the following: Each employee has 1 day during...
Transparency, Iteration and Empowerment – The 3 principles behind agile tools
The jungle of agile methods is so big that you can easily get lost in it. Some methods such as Scrum, Design thinking, OKR are better known and used more often. But here, too, companies experience...
Agile transformation – our experience at MDI
The whole agile leadership idea is based on the observation, that accelerated change is the norm. What does that mean for change management? The classical concepts of Kübler-Ross (change curve) and...
Working Out Loud – The beginning & meeting #1
While seeking for possibilities to co-create and co-learn as well as have significant impact as a community, the method of Working Out Loud crossed our way. The mission is simple: Define your...
The disruption surfer – how to respond to the waves of change
The world we live and work in has become more and more fluid over the past few years. Changes are happening so fast that we can barely build on a solid ground. In the past, most companies worked...
Agile leadership certification
Your path to success through digitization! Make the most effective tools and concepts for innovation, productivity and growth your own and shape your path to success in in digitalization!
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