How do you surf the waves of digital transformation?
Agile mindset, skillset and toolset
Agile-based Competence Management – Learn and evolve with change
Authors: Josef Wegenberger, Oliver Wegenberger Society for Business Psychology and Organizational DynamicsLet's put ourselves in the shoes of a company from the 1980s. TECHNIK AG is a typical large...
The Future of Workplace Learning – Digitization Boost
Part 1 with Marina Begic: Digital Business Development Expert and Senior L&D ConsultantOur Digital Business Development Expert and Senior L&D Consultant Marina Begic is currently focusing...
Effective change communication with PCM
When implementing change processes and new agile methods, it is extremely important to know the different personality characteristics of those involved and the resulting reactions. Because when it...
Agile employee surveys – the right question at the right time
Last year, the well-being and health of employees and their individual work design gained even more importance in organizations. Particularly, remote collaboration and the dynamic environment to...
How leaders successfully drive innovation
Driving business innovation as a leader Successfully driving business innovation as a leader is essential to living a positive innovation culture and strong innovation management. We therefore...
4 Agile Change Management Tools
Many businesses are currently reinventing themselves. Most companies have been undergoing massive changes since the beginning of 2020. Many of them are actively trying to shape the digital...
Agile Human Resources – The Future of Learning and Development
"In the future, learning should be understood as a continuous process to which a certain amount of time and financial budget is dedicated. After all, those who see learning as a project could run...
How to Shape and Lead a Self-Sustainable Dream Team
Sailing through a storm successfully = Shaping and Leading your own self sustainable team. Imagine you are at the helm of a wonderful sleek, slender, sailing boat. Your pride and joy. But...
Using the opportunities of the digitalization
What skills will become invaluable in the coming years as a result of digitalization? Which attitudes will lead to success? MDI CEO Gunther Fürstberger discusses in the following expert interview...
Agile leadership certification
Your path to success through digitization! Make the most effective tools and concepts for innovation, productivity and growth your own and shape your path to success in in digitalization!
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