by Julia Bröderbauer | Sep 13, 2016 | Training Insights |
Based on the Commitment Formula and on how commitment comes about, this video gets into detail and practice. Presenting the Commitment Game Board and how it works, Gunther Fürstberger offers a practical all-purpose tool for lateral leaders helping to evaluate planned projects and to lead them to success – step by step.
by Julia Bröderbauer | Sep 13, 2016 | Impuls series, Lateral Leadership, Leadership Tips, Training Insights |
Organisations talk about commitment a lot: We need more commitment! The team is fully committed! There was a lack of commitment. … and so on. Especially in lateral leadership the question about commitment of teammates and stakeholders is key. But why? And how does commitment come about? (more…)
by Julia Bröderbauer | Aug 2, 2016 | International leadership development, MDI Inside, Training Insights |
Highly competent and motivated leaders, acting in favour of their organisations and therewith consequently advancing it, are a competitive advantage on the global market. Since more than 50 years we support organisations investing in the development of their leaders. In terms of international training roll-outs we have a strong new partner since 1st July 2016.
by Guest author | Jul 29, 2016 | Customer Story, Lateral Leadership, Training Insights |
Lateral leadership is more than a mere concept of how to lead teams and colleagues without hierarchical power. It is a leadership style at eye level, matches the leadership understanding of millennials and is crucial for human resource. An HR developer explains.
by Julia Bröderbauer | Jun 22, 2016 | Impuls series, Lateral Leadership, Training Insights |
Successful projects always start with a clear and measurable goal. Therewith you can guarantee that everyone goes into the same direction and that desired end results and easy to understand. One of the handiest tools to both define and share such goals is the Aim’s Grid.
by Julia Bröderbauer | Jun 22, 2016 | Impuls series, Lateral Leadership, Training Insights |
We all know the situation: Marketing is pointing in one direction, Sales in another. The purchase department follows their own goals and the product development department anyway. So everyone is leading to another point. Just as in our video, simply asking “Where is North?”.
by Julia Bröderbauer | Jun 7, 2016 | Leadership Tips, Training Insights, training new leader |
The skills of a good a leader are one of those miracles: Everyone can name them but to apply them as a leader-self is a totally different story. Becoming a leader many people trust the help of targeted development and individual coaching. We talked with Valentina Kitzwögerer about her new leaders training course and about her tools and tips for new leaders. (more…)
by Guest author | Jun 1, 2016 | Training Insights |
Emotional leadership isn’t only a topic that is pretty trendy at the moment. It’s a topic that strikes all of us. Being a leader, again and again we are in situations where we have to deal with strong emotions. Sometimes these emotions are positively connoted like joy and passion. And something they are negatively experienced, these are emotions like grief, anger, disappointment. The „negative“ ones are exceptionally challenging. Fortunately the labels „taboo“ and „unprofessional“ begin to disappear and therewith begin to offer a more differentiated approach to the topic enhancing social and emotional intelligence and simultaneously making teams, leaders and organisations more successful.