Becoming a leader – Leadership skills training for success that lasts

Becoming a leader – Leadership skills training for success that lasts

The skills of a good a leader are one of those miracles: Everyone can name them but to apply them as a leader-self is a totally different story. Becoming a leader many people trust the help of targeted development and individual coaching. We talked with Valentina Kitzwögerer about her new leaders training course and about her tools and tips for new leaders. (more…)

A paradigm shift in our leadership approach – Lateral leadership impulse series Vol. 2

A paradigm shift in our leadership approach – Lateral leadership impulse series Vol. 2

We all know the pyramid as a symbol for a classical leadership approach working top-down. With the current situation in nowadays organisations this symbol often can’t keep up with any longer. Conditions of our life and work changed and new challenges arose. Therewith a reasonable understanding of leadership also changed and led to a real paradigm shift.


Why do we need a new leadership approach? – Lateral leadership impulse series Vol. 1

Why do we need a new leadership approach? – Lateral leadership impulse series Vol. 1

Lateral leadership – which means leading without hierarchical power – is THE leadership model of the future. Parameters like the democratization of society, higher educational standards and much more contributed to the fact that the classical hierarchical leadership model, working top-down, meets its boarders nowadays.
