2In an inspiring keynote speech Ernst Balla (Corporate HR voestalpine) gave an insight into innovative forms of learning for executive leaders. “This target group has seen and tried basically everything. We need to activate them.”

With the aid of crosslearning strategies, which are relevant and successful in world A, are transferred and implemented in another context – in world B, the business world. Following examples how strategies successfully work in wildlife, vegetation and technology he introduced three successful projects:




Learning from an orchestra

Similar to a composer and a conductor leaders need to inspire, guide and direct. The leaders received the task to express their own vision in music and guide the orchestra to play this vision. By doing so, the leaders experienced their own role in a new way. “In the beginning some of them seemed confused, but in the end the results count.”

Learning from the film industry

How can key messages be created, people touched, tension created and thoughts clearly transported to the right target group? In this regard, the production of a movie is an interesting team process. “The movie industry has shown us that key messages can be conveyed in a moving manner. Even with powerpoint.”

Learning from hostage negotiators

Leaders need to work with a lot of people – even if they do not particularly like them or act in a not exactly favorable manner – in order to reach their goals. “Experts for such situations are people that negotiate with hostage takers. But in their case it is a matter of life and death!” Leaders can learn a lot from them – especially how to deal with people in extreme conflict situations, how to create rapport, how to act less ego-driven and how to focus on results. In summary: Never stop learning from others!”

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