3 P’s – The 3 success factors of hybrid leadership
The 3 P’s – The 3 success factors of hybrid leadership
Basically, the concept of leadership in a hybrid set-up can be broken down to 3 main factors:
Purpose, People and Performance.
Each of these factors is an important piece of the puzzle that allows us to work efficiently and at full speed in hybrid. Here you will get a brief introduction to the basic principles of hybrid working and leading and why our 3 P’s are the 3 main success factors of hybrid leadership.

Who would want to return to a workplace where you can’t identify with the values and thus don’t feel comfortable at all?
Everybody needs a reason to want to open the laptop every day – whether at home or in the office. In the hybrid world, you have to take care even more about keeping all of your employees on the ball. To do that, you need a collective mission – a Purpose.
At MDI, for example, we’ve made it our mission to develop leaders who “strive for a better world.” If your employees have a mantra that reminds them of why they have an important position in the company, they will be much more motivated to work and achieve more.
Of course, employment itself should not be the only reason to enjoy showing up at the office. Often, it’s the people who motivate you to work every day. Much more emphasis should be put on the relationship among each other – the trust, the cohesion in the teams and the bond to the company. Especially when many employees are not physically in the office, you have to make sure that everyone is seen and heard. Transparent communication and respectful mutual behavior can quickly resolve conflicts and create a pleasant working atmosphere.
The last P – Performance – is made up of three components:
- Motivation
- Competence and
- Doing the Right Thing.
We ask ourselves the following questions: How much can and want our employees to achieve good results? Every starting situation of our colleagues is different. It is important to be understanding of each situation, to inquire regularly and to offer support where necessary.
We should also always keep up to date with the latest technology developments that can potentially facilitate processes and ways of working in the hybrid set-up. New apps and features are constantly being developed that make our routine workflows much easier and more flexible.
Clearly, hybrid work and especially leadership is still new territory for all of us. But before we despair and give up, let’s try around and keep the 3 P’s in mind.
Want to learn more aboute 3 P’s – The 3 success factors of hybrid leadership?
There are so many resources we can tap into to make work uncomplicated.
For more practical tips and tools, check out our guide
Successful hybrid leadership –
The 3 success factors of hybrid leadership
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