Education and knowledge are the most powerful tools which we have available. They provide us the opportunity to speak for ourselves, to live a self-determined life and to be less susceptible for propaganda and power games of would-be leaders. This is why we want to enable access to education for as many people as possible. Especially people in disadvantaged and crisis-influenced regions.


L&D for a better world. – The initiative.

This campaign L&D for a better world supports the UNICEF project No lost generation in order to enable boys and girls in Syria to have free access to education.

Since we are much more powerful united, we want to invite customers, trainers, partners and employees to set a loud and clear statement within the Learning & Development industry – for a better world, for a better future.

For each participants we donate an additional EUR 10.

>> Participate.


Gunther Fürstberger, CEO of MDI, about the background:



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