How do you surf the waves of digital transformation?
Agile mindset, skillset and toolset
Purpose & Engagement in digital times [Approaches & Tool]
Many of today’s leaders are asking themselves the question of meaning: Why do I do what I am doing? What do I contribute and what is the point of all of this? In a time where the speed of change is...
MDI 2025 – Lego Serious Play as an agile method during our team workshop [experience report]
Incredible 40 billion Lego bricks are said to exist in the world. After they conquered the hearts of many children, the small colorful stones are now conquering the seminar rooms in the management...
How to successfully use the cynefin framework [Quick-Info]
The framework – its origin and background The main idea of the cynefin framework was developed by the Welsh management consultant Dave Snowden, who has worked for IBM for many...
How to lead a business through the digital transformation [Development approaches]
Modern technologies have changed our working conditions. Digitalization has become the number one leadership challenge. In order to succeed as a company in times of this digital revolution, a new,...
What’s the big deal about digital transformation?
Let’s get that straight. Personal computers have been on our workplaces for 30 years. We all have been using email and the world wide web for 20 years. So why are we talking about digital...
Implementation of OKR – Experience report from a CEO
Experience report from Mag. Gunther Fürstberger, CEO of MDI Management Development International. At the end of 2016, a big car manufacturer invited us to help with the implementation of...
Scrum & Agile Leadership
Scrum is probably the most known and oldest agile method and it was introduced by IT companies in the 1980s. By now not only IT companies are working with this method but many others as well. We...
What are the benefits of the OKR method?
Leading like Silicon Valley's top leaders. Successful examples such as Google, Facebook & Co. are often considered as desirable and now seem to be within reach with the OKR system. Based on...
Individual, team and company – agile leadership on three levels
Euphoria on the one and uncertainty on the other hand: In terms of agile leadership you can see great enthusiasm and thirst for action on the market. More and more companies are playing with the...
Agile leadership certification
Your path to success through digitization! Make the most effective tools and concepts for innovation, productivity and growth your own and shape your path to success in in digitalization!
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