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Successful people don’t postpone, you often read. As easy this ambitious resolution is made as hard it is to follow it. And that’s the reason why we often write down something on our to-do list, leaving it there for days and weeks without doing anything. We say: Get rid of these to-do-zombies. In the following week, accomplish something that you deferred for a long time.


Have a look at your to-do list and check every single entry. Since when are the things on it? How do you feel when thinking about them? Maybe a little uncomfortable? Not in the mood for doing them right know? Well, I’ll do it later/tomorrow/ next week……

The result of such pretended short-term deferrals is that these things remain on your list for ages and become real “zombies” there. The chances, that’s you’ll do them one day are decreasing each day you don’t touch them. And yet it would not take long to accomplish them. A phone call, an e-mail, some research or an order for an employee. Often it does not take more to start something and to tick the box on your list to be free to focus on new things.

‘Cause too many things are part of the problem: If your list is a chaos of endless things to do your brain is too. And instead of being concentrated and focussed it is confused by the blockade of things you do “later”. And the longer the list is the harder it is to prioritize what to do first. Successful execution right in the moment when a problem, idea or task occurs – that’s the device for successful leaders!


Killing to-do-zombies frees your brain. Tweet: Killing To-Do-Zombies frees your brain. #MondayLead #Leadership #tips



So do something good for yourself in the upcoming week and eliminate all those to-do-zombies on your list. Execute all tasks you postponed and postponed and postponed. In the end you’ll feel amazingly satisfied and motivated, that’s a promise!

And if you fight against your to-do-zombies on a regular basis, step by step you will change your own behaviour and learn not to postpone but to naturally accomplish things immediately.


And now you know what’s on: Start NOW to fight your to-do-zombies and accomplish some of your postponed things immediately.


Good luck!


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